Wednesday, May 14, 2014

126) Ah! Seishun no Koushien v04 Nakimushi Koushien v02 Part 05

Ah! Seishun no Koushien v04 Nakimushi Koushien v02 Part 05

Your weekly Adachi.

I've also posted the Battle Angel Alita Last Order Chronology on Ripper's forum.
That was madness to translate.

Monday, May 12, 2014

125) Azumi v06 c04 (c47)

Azumi v06 c04 (c47)

I would like to give a big thank you to T.B. for his donation.
When I saw the pp email I thought it was spam or a scam,
then it came to mind that actually there's a donation button on
this blog. Thanks again!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

124) Ah! Seishun no Koushien v04 Nakimushi Koushien v02 Part 04

Ah! Seishun no Koushien v04 Nakimushi Koushien v02 Part 04

On another note, I've decided to translate the Battle Angel Alita chronology you find in the Gaiden/Another Stories volume. The script will be posted in the usual place in a week or so.